A career in Law Enforcement and many years of shooting pistols in competition lead to the development of these plates. Several years of testing and evaluating the RDS systems for a large LE Agency showed their weak points. Many plates currently available are made with cheap material, as fast as possible. I wanted to make it of superior material, have structural support and look incredibly good.
All products are 100% made in the USA. I also buy as much material from American companies as I can despite the added costs to ensure what you are buying is the best.
I am a one-man shop with one machine. I make plates on an as ordered basis as I do not have a lot of material to just let sit on a shelf. Most plates with an Anodized or Raw Titanium finish ship under in 2-3 days. DLC plates need to be sent to another company for finishing and are typically longer waits. I am a growing business and do get backed up from time to time when larger orders come in. I ask for your patience and will do what I can to not leave you disappointed.
Metals are effected by heat in two ways, Thermal Expansion and Thermal Stress. Expansion is self-explanatory. The stress is how much pressure the expansion exerts and in this case, exerts on the screws. Most plates are made from Aluminum or Steel. Aluminum expands the most and Steel, being denser causes the most stress. Both of which are 2-3 times higher than in Titanium. The Slide, Screws, Plate and Optic are all impacted by heat, growing and pressing against each other. This is very important especially when using the small screws to hold the plates and optic down to a slide that is cycling.
Slide Weight:
Most know Steel is heavier than Titanium and Aluminum. With the plates being fairly small, the weight difference is minor. However, factory pistols are designed to work with a specific weight recoil spring and a narrow window of factory ammunition power factor. Even if it is only an ounce or two added to the slide from the plate and optic, you change the dynamics of the slide cycling. Adding weight to the slide will cause it to extract and eject slower, and feed slower. The extraction and chambering of your pistol is impacted and will lead to reliability issues sooner. Considerations to replace the recoil spring more frequently, clean more frequently, and replacement of parts sooner are all things to consider when adding weight to the slide. Reliability will become an issue.
Duty Holsters:
The Carbon Port model plate on the M&P will fit the Safariland 6360 with the exception of the SRO and RMR HD. Other holsters are being tested.